Interest. Skills. Integrity. Inspirative.” David Michael Hull, founder and Chief Instructor at Hull’s Tracking School.

Kyt’s passion and dedication to the art of tracking are humbling. You are the most inspiring and motivated person I am aware of in this field. From one (counter) tracker to another massive respect. You’re legit! ” Joe Lambert, former U.S. Navy Seal



I became acquainted with Kyt several years ago and in all my tracking experience I have never met anyone as passionate and enthusiastic as she has demonstrated.  Kyt’s research and personal commitment is admirable.  I was fortunate enough to have Kyt join me in a week-long class. […] I have officially made Kyt a representative and instructor of “Hull’s Tracking School“. She has demonstrated interest, skills, and integrity that are most inspiring for a tracking practitioner.” David Michael Hull, Virginia, U.S.

“You are an amazing instructor in your own right, and a credit to “Hull’s Tracking School” Virginia USA. Your style of delivery is awe-inspiring and captured everybody’s attention from the outset. Your enthusiasm for the subject is infectious, your knowledge on mantracking is phenomenal, your skills are undeniable. You demonstrate with sheer conviction, professionalism, a high level moral integrity, extreme sense of duty, empathy and humanity. Your presence here in Cornwall has a had the most profound and long lasting positive effect on all you engaged with. Here’s to you, Ms Walken, may you shine a light on all who are fortunate to meet you.” Stacey Allsopp,  Remembering Our Roots CIC, U.K.

Kyt’s knowledge, understanding, experience, acumen but especially her enthusiasm about tracking is simply remarkable and deeply impressive and she does it all with incredible passion, integrity and professionalism. Being able to train with her is incredibly educational, engaging and rewarding. With all of her interests also far beyond tracking, coupled with incredibly broad knowledge and skills, she is a deeply impressive, unique and outstanding personality. I am very grateful and blessed for the opportunity to train with Kyt and to learn from her. M. W., Bundesheer, Austria

In fünf Tagen Einzelcoaching mit Kyt Lyn Walken konnte ich meine Kenntnisse im Mantracking erweitern und vertiefen. Kyt Lyn ist von ihrer Arbeit begeistert und hat sich einen großen Wissensschatz angeeignet und sie teilt dieses Wissen mit viel Enthusiasmus. Insbesondere die Geschichte des Mantracking und der Bereich Anti-Tracking-Techniken waren Neuland für mich und ich konnte mir einen guten Überblick über diese Themenbereiche verschaffen. Die Themenbereiche in denen ich Vorerfahrung hatte – z.B. Basic-Mantracking / Forensic-Tracking – wurden fundiert zusammengefasst und in einigen Bereichen mit neuem Wissen ergänzt. Danke für die intensive Zeit, die vielen spannenden Geschichten, die herausfordernden Track-Lines und den angenehmen Kontakt.” – Aaron T., Kriminaltechniker, Deutschland

“Die Themen im Kurs waren wirklich sehr interressant. Vorallem was auch die Geschichte des Mantracking betrifft. Die Ausbilderin war super nett, hatte sehr viel Wissen und man merkte die Hingabe die Sie für das Thema Mantracking im ganzen hat, mit allem was dazugehört. Was mir leider ein bisschen gefehlt hat war, für Anfänger könnte man, wie im Kurs schon ansprochen ein paar Tracks in weichem Untergrund/ Sand als veranschaulichung herzeigt. Nichts destotrotz war es ein sehr informativer, interessanter und lustiger Kurs. Vielen vielen Dank an die Ausbilderin, man merkt einfach das Sie es mit Leib und Seele Ausbildet.” – E.N., Bodyguard, Austria

“Als Mantracker Germany sind wir eine neu gegründete Such- und Rettungseinheit, die sich dem Thema des visual Mantrackings verschrieben hat. Vor einem Jahr haben wir damit begonnen, uns entsprechend zu Schulen und trainieren jede Woche mehrere Stunden. Der von Kyt Lyn Walken für uns durchgeführte Lehrgang war speziell für SAR-Einheiten konzipiert. Wir haben auf unseren bisherigen Basiskenntnissen aufgebaut und konnten dank Kyt Lyn sehr viel dazu lernen.Durch neue Suchtaktiken konnten wir unsere Geschwindigkeit erheblich steigern. Auch das Zusammenwirken von Personenspürhund und Mantrackern in einem Team wurde unter der sehr kompetenten Anleitung von Kyt Lyn trainiert. Auch hier haben wir viele neue Erkenntnisse gewonnen.
Wir werden auf jeden Fall in 2024 ein weiteres Seminar mit Kyt Lyn durchführen um unsere Fähigkeiten weiter zu verbessern.Kyt Lyn ist eine sehr erfahrene und kompetente Ausbilderin, gerade im SAR-Bereich. Durch die im Rahmen eigener SAR-Einsätze gesammelten Erfahrungen konnte Sie uns sehr weiterhelfen.Wir haben Kyt Lyn sowohl menschlich als auch fachlich sehr schätzen gelernt und können Sie als Trainerin wirklich sehr empfehlen.Bei Fragen steht der Vorstand der Mantracker Germany gerne zur Verfügung.
“, Tobias Weller, MANTRACKER Search and Rescue, Deutschland

“I recently had the pleasure of taking the “Tracks and Plants” course by Kyt Lyn Walken-Allsopp and Stacey Allsopp. This course delves into the fascinating world where tracks, plants, materials, time, and weather intersect. I found myself questioning assumptions I had about their interplay, which is always a sign of a thought-provoking learning experience. One of the bonuses was the opportunity to revisit tracks and materials. Observing how time and weather conditions affected them, I gained a deeper understanding of their dynamics. The ability to differentiate tracks on fresh, dried, and decayed vegetation was eye-opening. What truly sets this course apart is its ability to make you question. It’s not just about acquiring knowledge; it’s about challenging our preconceptions. How do plants and tracks interact over time? How does weather impact their visibility? These questions stayed with me long after the course ended.“The Tracks and Plants” course is a gem for anyone who wishes to add to their tracking repertoire. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned tracker, you’ll find something intriguing here. Kyt Lyn Walken-Allsopp and Stacey Allsopp have crafted an engaging journey that encourages us to see beyond the obvious and appreciate the subtle connections in our environment.” Keith Polkinghorne, U.K.

“Tactical tracking course in U.K.: we thoroughly enjoyed the day, it was educational and delivered with such professionalis and enthusiasm. You are a credit to your chosen field.”J.M., former Royal Navy

Great class on the fascinating world of Mantracking“, Simon T., Royal Navy Paramedic, U.K.

As a retired police officer I love what you do and have learned so much from you. ThanksToney Johnson, U.S.

Thanks for being the legend you are. Your post motivate me to get out there as often as I can to keep learning and practicing. Its thanks to people like you that the industry keeps growing. True legendCraig Sanders, South Africa

“You inspire and motivate others.” Steve Fritz, U.K.

“It was really nice to be in your class. You have so much practical experience and the practical work was so interesting that the time really flies. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience wih us. I hope we can repeat this in short timeZvonko Majcem, ERP KD Lubiana, Slovenia

Tracking is one of those skills on my priority list to develop and improve. I can’t think of anyone better to learn from.” Brian Ward, U.K.

“Her enthusiasm for tracking is refreshing to see.” Joe Kellam, Marine Corps veteran and retired DNR Law Enforcement supervisor, Ohio, U.S.

“You’ve done this community a great service. You should feel immensely proud. I am sure not all reach out. But you deserve the compliment. Warrior to warrior. I am honored to have met you” Zach Mills, SGT, U.S Army 02-08 13-15, Afghan 04-05/Iraq 05-06/Iraq 07-08

“Always intrigued by this discipline, I decided to attend the Tracking Level 1 course held by Kyt Lyn Walken. I found it wonderful, informative and very interesting; Kyt is truly an instructor capable of transmitting notions and all the passion he has for this discipline. I have already advised colleagues and acquaintances to participate in one of her courses” M.S. OR-4 11°rgt Bersaglieri Esercito Italiano

Secondo corso che facciamo con Kyt Lyn Walken Allsopp sul campo. Istruttrice molto professionale e preparataAntonio Gagliardi, CC

I think we could not have a better instructor, straight forward, honest and with a sense of humorM.S., 44th Mechanized Infantry Regiment, Dutch Army

“The course is a set of knowledge that can be very useful both in the outdoor and urban fields. All notions are explained in a simple, complete and exhaustive way, accompanied by practical examples and effective and appropriate demonstrations. The level of difficulty is progressive and with the right commitment all notions can be assimilated. Having this knowledge can be useful in many cases and in totally different environments. I recommend it to everybody” L.C.  28esimo Rgt. “Pavia”, Comunicazioni Operative – Comparto Special Operations Forces

“Today our institution has attended to the webinar on MANTRACKING – SEARCH AND RESCUE, taught by the famous Kyt Lyn Walken.
We want to thank you Kyt for being the pioneer in sowing this seed in our Country, Uruguay. This is an invaluable tool for saving lives.
Grupo de Busqueda y Rescate Uruguay

“I am an employee of the Carabinieri for forestry and environmental protection (former Forestry) and I am part of the Civil Protection as a volunteer. I attended the Tracking course held by Kyt Lyn Walken because I believe that this art is useful in our work. After viewing website and reading all of its qualifications, my expectations for the course were very high. I must say that he paid off in full with his humility and professionalism”

There is few out there that puts the time and ground work into there craft than Kyt. If consistency equals greatness she has already secured her place in the books. If your interested in crime scene analysis, hunting, animal or human tracking, military techniques, animal conservation or even forensic level techniques in these fields.Joe PricePathfinder School LLC Instructor

Dalla mia esperienza anche da coordinatore di PC e antincendio boschivo, è stato uno dei migliori corsi a cui ho partecipato” Riccardo Tangherloni, Coordinatore Protezione Civile e A.I.B.

Corso ben fatto e propedeutico per nuovi interessanti sviluppiFrancesco Leggieri, Protezione Civile Sondrio

“Con estrema professionalità Kyt Walken accompagna i corsisti , passo dopo passo, al concepimento dei principali elementi su cui si basa il Tracking, un’arte primitiva che può salvare vite! Lo consiglio vivamente” E.B.


Her interest and passion for reading and following human tracks goes way back in time. She improves her Tracking skills daily as constant training and practice, study and analysis are the cornerstone of Tracking.

2015: She has attended her first Man Tracking classes with David Scott Donelan Tracking School – European Division.

2017:  She has attended Tactical Acuity C-IED Class hold by David Michael Hull (Hull’s Tracking School) And JC Nash (Enhanced Tracking Applications) in Faber, Virginia.

She has been entitled as “Official Representative of Hull’s Tracking School“.  Mike Hull is her Mentor.

2018: She has attended to CYBERTRACKING Animal Tracking Course – basic level.

She has become Conservation Ranger after attending to Conservation Rangers course at E.S.A. in Poland led by C.R.O.W. (Conservation Rangers Operations Worldwide).

2019: She has taken part of the course “Forensic Photographs on Crime Scene”, hold by UK Forensic Advisor and former Royal Marines Robert Kendall.

She has got the priviledge to learn the Art of Tracking from these great Instructors and Trackers:

David Scott Donelan Tracking School – European Division Instructors

David Michael Hull (Hull’s Tracking School)

Cornelius Nash (Enhanced Tracking Applications)

Rob Speiden (Natural Awareness Tracking School)

Kenneth Galbraith (former Green Beret, D.E.A.)

Andy Martin (Conservation Rangers Operations Worldwide)

Robert Kendall (Former Royal Marines, UK Forensic Advisor)


She trained and still on training personnel from European Law Enforcement, Army and Search and Rescue.

Currently she runs courses all over Europe and she holds webinars in Italian, English and Spanish focused on:

– pairing Mantracking with K-9 (related to S.A.R. activities)

– Forensic application of Tracking during crime scene investigation

– Tactical Tracking

She has been the first Instructor worldwide behind some avantguardistic courses like “Tracks and plants” (with Stacey Allsopp) which investigate the connections between Forensic Botany and Tracking.

As she truly believes that this awesome Art cannot be bordered with a piece of paper, she’s constantly on Training on dirt time on ground, and she scheduled several other courses she wants to attend to in order to do always better, in learning as well as teaching.





Tyson Yunkaporta: Sand Talk – How Indigenous Thinking Can Save the World The Wilderness and Wellness Podcast

Join me and co-host Fil Tkaczyk for a “proper yarn” with Tyson Yunkaporta about:·      The idea of what it means to live within and through multiple associations, ideals, and ways of thinking.·      Tyson’s indigenous and cultural roots.·      How everything that is real about who we are is not necessarily only within ourselves, but within the connections of our relations.·      What a “proper yarn” is and means.·      Developing a relationship with place and society’s ideas of who should have a voice based on perceived identities and social fragmentation.·      The idea of emergence for cultural change and tracking patterns.·      How everything in the world is surrounded by sex and death.Connect with Tyson:Deakin University Faculty ProfileBook Recommendations:Sand Talk: How Indigenous Thinking Can Save the World,  by: Tyson YunkaportaConnect with Fil:Pathwithaheart@hotmail.comAnimism: Listening to the Land Podcast on AppleAnimism: Listening to the Land Podcast Facebook PageAnimism: Listening to the Land Podcast Instagram Page
  1. Tyson Yunkaporta: Sand Talk – How Indigenous Thinking Can Save the World
  2. W&W Short #3 – Alie Nation Lyrics: Indigenous Mindset vs. Western Societal Mindset
  3. Tracking Series 08 – Brian McConnell: Hunting and Trailing Wildlife and CyberTracker Trailing Evaluations
  4. W&W Short #2 – The Story of the Coyote Howl From My Intro
  5. W&W Short #1: Introduction-The Sacred Order of Nature




PEDINE SACRIFICABILI (Action Tricolore Vol. 11), by Francesco Cotti and Alessandro Cirillo, inspired by Kyt Lyn Walken as a Tracker.

ANTIPOACHING, by Gianni Bauce. Kyt Lyn Walken collaborated in the chapter focused on Tracking.